Reinventing YOU!

Whether through life-circumstances or by choice, most of us have had to embrace some reinvention of our life from what we had thought would remain a constant.  It’s not always an easy path we find ourselves on. That being said, we DO have a choice in how we approach it and navigate through the journey to our next destination. One may say “Well, easy for you to say. You haven’t experienced what I have.”  However, I’m living proof that any reinvention I have encountered was not always easy.  And, there were plenty! The end result? The payout has been priceless!

Being this is my first blog for my new website, I thought, this might be a good opportunity to touch on why I became a transitional life coach. I have lived through life’s transitions!  To be forth-coming, I am a divorcee (not just one; yet I have been able to find an appreciation for the lessons from each), have lived part-time in France for 7 years, lived in Chicago, San Francisco, Scottsdale and currently live in Mexico (except for hurricane season; we don’t need to endure everything, eh?!), and have been an entrepreneur and/or independent contractor for most my life. One ponders, maybe it would have been easier to have chosen an easier path?!  However, my Life Path number is 8, so that explains a bit. No matter, life ebbs and flows and change is inevitable at some point in time. Rather than remain “stuck”, as change confronts us, we do have the choice to create what we want. How empowering! 

So, I offer you this thought- it’s about perspective. 

Sometimes we need to change our perspective in an effort to move forward in creating our journey. It’s often the path less taken that may bring us to the most unexpected delight!  Enjoy your journey…

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Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow!