Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow!

Recently a colleague requested that I hula hoop while speaking about the mind-body connection. You’ve heard phrases such as, “What you think, you become” and “To change your body, you must first change your mind”… I had never put much thought, nor research, into the concept. (For those of you who don’t already know me- I love to hula hoop while vlogging about life coaching and thought-provoking ideas and perspectives.) I accepted her suggestion, then fell down the Google rabbit hole for a bit of research. Hooping to follow soon! Ah ha, there ya go… Mind and body in action!!

There is much proven research regarding the communication between our mind and our body. How our neurotransmitters, hormones and chemicals transmit signals. Another thought- how one’s environment and beliefs may shift our mind’s perspective, thus how we may view or treat our body. Also, a trained wellness professional’s (dietician, health coach, sports figure, etc.) knowledge may dictate their choices regarding their body.

I personally am a huge believer in manifesting your reality; e.g., The Secret. What we put our mind to and what we want to create for ourselves is often a choice; we decide along with the thoughts created in our mind. Mindset may change our motivations and furthermore the physical actions we take. Imagine you are wanting to drop a few lbs. (ugh, diet!). Once a decision has been made in our mind, we then come up with a game plan that our body (and action) follows. This being said, is it the chicken or the egg that came first? For instance, an action or a reaction may trigger thought afterwards. Or if we experience physical pain it can alter our thoughts and mindset. Sorry, that silly rabbit got away from me!

Thoughts are powerful. They can create how we manifest, take action and/ or react. If we tell ourselves we cannot achieve or do something, most likely we won’t even try. Conversely, if we believe we are able and have choice in the matter our perspective changes and our plethora of options to follow. Now, motivation is an entirely different rabbit hole…! By the way, Happy Easter and Passover! * Blog title inspired by En Vogue song “Free Your Mind”.


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